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About us

VEBEL Servis, spol. s.r.o.


VEBEL Servis is an importer of H.B.Fuller industrial adhesives. The company was founded in 1992 in Brno and in a relatively short time opened two branches in Příbram and Semily. In 1993 was founded the sister company VEBEL Sk  in Slovakia.
Successful start-up and development of the company consisted mainly in the area of ​​personal contact with customers and building long-term business relationships and investments in stabilization of work teams.


Current VEBEL Servis, spol. s.r.o. is a modern and dynamic company that builds its success in focusing on a satisfied customer. In 2007, the company launched the sale of large-scale wood panels, packaging materials and abrasives. Extension of, understood and necessary extension of the storage space area in accordance with the potential for further growth.


Industrial adhesives formed and will continue to provide a solid basis for the existence of a long-term stable customer base. Also offered products are already firmly embedded in our product range. We can say that we do everything possible to make our website as wide as possible, and we need to keep our customers at the change or extension of their business. We are ready to make maximum request a consultation.

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